Wednesday, June 9, 2010

In a nutshell ...

So, it's been several months since I last wrote here. I think I get to the point where it's been so long, that what good is an update now? Not like I need to recap every minute detail in my life since February, but in a nutshell, here's what I've been up to:

  • met some cool new people,
  • solidified friendships I already had (couldn't ask for better friends than Devon and Vanessa!),
  • moved out again,
  • went to Mexico,
  • kayaked for the first time (in Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja, with fin whales!!),
  • ran my first half marathon with my amazingly inspirational and perservering little sister,
  • took my first Vegas trip,
  • did some random stuff like went paintballing, saw some concerts, partook in some cool festivals, and got a little more involved with work and volunteering.

    On the half-marathon front: I tried to take running and this sport a lot more seriously when I initially signed up for the full Rock 'n' Roll Marathon (and later switched after talking to Giselle and my sister), and for having not really trained/built up to as much as I should have for this (I seriously hadn't run at ALL for a couple of weeks prior), I think my time of 2:04 for 13.1 miles was not too shabby! I owe it all to my sister, too. I know I was having a "good" running day 'cause I felt amazing 'til about mile 10.5, but from that point 'til the end, my sister was still speeding through people and encouraging me to keep up with her. I really did contemplate hanging back and letting her go off, but I just couldn't do it :)

    And, she already took the liberty of signing us up for another half, in Huntington Beach. Not 'til February, and I'm sure we'll squeeze another one in there before then, but I have heard this one is really beautiful ... plus, all the calories at a potential Super Bowl party later that day would be well-earned!

    My crazy friends. This is at a beer festival; go figure.


    Well, that's all for now. It's still crazy busy at work, and I'm still, believe it or not, catching up on sleep from weeks ago. Just never enough time in the day, and if there is, it's filled with some work-type aspect that just has to be done!
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