Sunday, December 26, 2010

Just a few things ...

  • A. I say this all the time, but I really feel that I would have been ... I dunno, better, in the '80s. I truly wish I could live in a time where neon-colored tights, destroyed denim, and BIG hair were awesome, not to mention there were no cell phones (serious on this one), no Internet, even ...

  • B. Have you ever felt that you were capable of really, really great things, but you just don't know where to begin or what, exactly, you should be channeling all your energy toward ... ?

  • C. Thinking of re-activating my Facebook. I know, get with the program, but I was thinking about it earlier, and it's been EIGHT months since I've had a Facebook, and I don't really feel like I'm missing out on anything per say, but last night, being with all my family, it made me realize that it's a really easy way to keep in touch and share your life with people of your choosing (duh, I know).

  • D. Speaking of last night (family + Facebook and '80s thoughts), I rearranged my entire room, cleaned out my whole closet (which is HUGE, so that's not a small feat), and gathered a bunch of unwanted clothes that I donated this morning. I was the only person in my entire complex who was home last night, so I took full advantage and hogged all the washing and drying machines. I was super productive.

    I guess that's it. The only other mention-worthy things in my head are:
  • I bought a normally $150 CHI flatiron for $86 at JC Penny's this morning;
  • I realized that Superbowl Sunday (i.e., my next half-marathon) is right around the corner, so I ran about 6 miles this morning;
  • I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned some more ... I think I may be OCD about this.