One of the dryers in my complex is not working (which I found out two hours and $2 later), so I had to resort to drying my jeans this way. Let me tell you, the weather has not been warm, and even after letting them dry in my open-window bathroom for two days and then putting them under my bed covers for a full day, they were still icey cold when I put them on. Yeah, I guess I went through some desperate measures, and it would have been a lot easier and made a lot more sense to just go to a laundromat, but A) I was being stubborn, and B) I did not want to spend any more money trying to get my pants dry (though I did frequent Starbucks more than was necessary).
So, that random tangent aside, it was Thanksgiving weekend. I made Tawnee's sweet potato cornbread (which I believe she got from the "Gluten-free Girl" blog, and it was definitely yummy. I also made about the third batch of pumpkin-chocolate-chip cookies in a month:
Still have leftovers. Come and take them, please!
Next, the free shots thing. Some of my girlfriends and I went to Fred's Mexican Cafe in the Gaslamp on Saturday. I've been there before, and there's really not much interesting to say about it except that we were some of the few people in the restaurant (guess 7ish on Thanksgiving weekend equates to low-turnout, but who knows), and we got a round of shots from the manager because he liked our singing. This is funny because A) I was the only one of the four of us singing, and B) I have a horrible voice. Thinking about my duet in my middle school's musical performance of "Grease" still makes me cringe. So that (followed by Henry's Pub, Whiskey Girl and Syrah) was Saturday. And here I am being a total cheesy tourist:
The following night, I went to see Pretty Lights at the House of Blues. It was an awesome show that definitely held my interest despite my grogginess and overall low energy. The drummer was awesome, the DJ was awesome, the lights were awesome ... but I think the most awesome was the people-watching. Oh. Em. Gee. I've never been to a rave, but I imagine one to be similar to this concert -- only way "worse" (for lack of a better word). There were so many people who were clearly on drugs (my guess is ecstasy?), and I even got offered a little baggie full of pills by some girl who looked like she was 15 years old, complete with a mismatched outfit and those '80s-looking sunglasses that are suddenly in style. Needless to say, I politely declined because drugs are just not my thing. I did accept a glow-stick bracelet from another girl, though. The best way to explain how this show was is to show you:
So that's my long weekend in a nutshell. Forgot to mention that I've gotten hooked on "Dexter" (just finished Season One), but holy moly am I having some F-ed up dreams as a result of watching it right before bed.