What I failed to mention about the half-mar was that I think I sprained my big toe on my right foot. It never swelled up or turned black and blue, but it felt ... funny. It feels considerably better, though, and I even ran down to and all through Balboa Park yesterday morning. I did tape it, though, so I am pretty sure that helped me feel OK enough to make the whole run. HOWEVER, some lovely cramps (of the female kind) set in about 2/3 of the way through my run, and it was tough making it back home. All's well that ends well, though, right?
It's been tough getting back into gym/active mode. I have gone on a couple hikes, though:

I love working so close to that mountain 'cause if I just can't bring myself to go to the gym after work (especially on really nice days, like that one) it is a great alternative. And one of my best friends lives right there, too, and is usually up for hiking with me.
I started paying a visit to these little guys at the lake/trails by my work during my lunch hour (when I'm able to leave the office, anyway):

Cuuute. I got some funky little tan lines on my feet from the heels I was wearing that day -- guess it was as sunny and hot as it felt!
Finally, a mini update on my beloved avocado seeds (I must have like seven of them at various stages right now). I just planted this one (right after taking the picture, in fact) in a pot with soil in it, and it's (hopefully still) thriving at my parents' house:

Cross your fingers for me!
Next on the agenda is hopefully paying a visit to the
Stone Brewing Co.,
the San Diego Fair (where I'd like to get a permanent toe ring like Vanessa's), and maybe finding some more festivals to go to. The latest one I went to was a Greek festival down the street from my house, where I entered to win (and apparently didn't) tickets to Athens, among other prizes. Boooo. Did eat a lot of good food, though.