"Home again, home again, jiggity jog." That just popped into my head and is now making me wonder whether it's from an actual story/song, or if my grandma just made it up? She used to "sing" it to us in the car when we were headed home from anywhere. Hmm.
Anyway, I am back home! Moved in on Saturday and am not totally sure how I'm feeling about everything, but it is what it is, and it will sure allow me to save some moolah. Here's one thing about moving home I had been looking forward to:

Aww, Marvy.
It was great having help from Vanessa (who amazingly puzzle-packed my whole kitchen up into a few boxes) and my mom, sister and dad, who was able to get a huge flatbed truck with gates and a lift that practically fit all of my furniture. I could not have done it alone (unless I hired movers, of course)!
On a completely unrelated note, I get really irritated sometimes when people at the gym just assume you came there to socialize and converse with them. Case in point: my sister and I went into the sauna last night, not even really talking to each other, and this older dude sitting in there wearing just a pair of shorts and his huge belly, long gray hair and missing tooth, starts talking to us. You know, small talk, what we came to the gym to do, etc. And we were nice at first, but the more and more he kept talking, the less and less we were responsive, and he still did not get it. Sorry, sir, but I'm not interested in hearing about 1) how much you paid for the gym clothes you're wearing (or not wearing, in his case), 2) where you live, what gym you normally go to, and why you're at this particular facility tonight, and 3) how you're old and out of shape, and we're so lucky 'cause we're young, and we don't even
know how hard it is to get in shape when you're old, blah blah blah (like, really,
what am I supposed to say to
that??). Needless to say, he cut our hoped-for sauna time in half, at least.
Anyway, now that I'm moved home and have all that junk out of the way, I really need to start logging in the miles in preparation for my first
marathon and the
Mission Gorge and/or
Black Mountain trail races (probably just the latter, as time is kinda dwindling down) I hope to do. Probably going on a run with Giselle this weekend if it still works for us, and definitely squeezing in a hike with Rachel and Morgan since I couldn't this weekend. Other than that, lots of treadmill running (bleh) and gym time, 'cause it's that or run outside in the dark. Man, I miss all those summer daylight hours ...