Even the Jack in the Box commercial where they all get bowl cuts -- it clearly horrifies the women at the end when they find out it was supposed to be bowl-cut wigs. And, even though the men in the commercial seem irritated, they really can just shave their heads and feel fine about it. Not as socially acceptable for the ladies.
Good lord, even looking on Facebook -- at my own pictures, other people's pictures -- hair can be this ever-changing identity maker or breaker. I am probably most known for my curls, which I both love and despise, depending on their cooperation and the look I am going for at the time. But it's been blonde, red, kind of a brownish now ... straight, curly, longish, shortish. And I can't help but feeling a bit offended when I straighten my hair and people tell me that it looks better that way.
It is sort of funny how women go through great lenghts (no pun intended -- ha ...) to achieve what they don't naturally have. I can't tell you how many times I've processed my hair with horribly unhealthy bleach and blonde dyes and flat-ironing. But then again, they say going back to the hair you had as a child can be one of the best looks for you. And not all of us have naturally pretty hair colors (thanks for pointing that one out to me, Boo ...)
This has probably been the most pointless entry ever, but I guess I'm just tired (for now) of trying to look a certain way, which is very different from not caring and letting myself go. Of course, this will likely be a short phase which will soon be replaced by another phase as a result of becoming bored of myself. Who knows, maybe it's my women's studies classes creeping back into my thoughts.
Regardless, whatever is or isn't on your head, feel pretty no matter what. There is a lot more to attraction than perfect hair. Whatever "perfect" may be.